Friday, May 19, 2017

Regional Differences: Everyone's Exciting Battle

Welcome back to another edition of regional differences, the series that examines regional differences in the Pokemon TCG. Today I'm taking a look at a Japanese exclusive product from the Black and White era: the Everyone's Exciting Battle collection (sometimes called the "Waku Waku" collection by English collectors).

Not to be confused with Pac-Man's Waka-Waka collection

How girls look at me when I show them my card collection


Released on November 16, 2012, Everyone's Exciting Battle contains eight 15 card "quarter-decks," with each quarter-deck corresponding with a particular energy type.

Each quarter-deck contains a holo card (pictured above), and additional Pokemon, trainer and energy cards. The cards in this collection were printed with unique artwork and you can see images of the complete set at the end of this post. Each quarter deck also includes a number of energy cards that correspond with the quarter-deck's theme. Players take turns drafting quarter-decks until they have either a 30 card half-deck or a full 60 card deck (depending on whether they want to play a full game or a shortened game).

Each card in the collection bears a "WAK" set symbol, but each quarter-deck also has its own unique set symbol. These quarter-deck symbols correspond with the holo Pokemon card in each quarter-deck.

The Quarter-Deck Set Symbols
The collection contains a total of 55 unique cards (including 8 energy cards) with a number of duplicates in each quarter-deck.

In addition to the Pokemon cards, the collection contains a set of damage and special counters, a Black and White era rule book, 2 foil coins, a play mat, and a set of special rule cards that change the way the game is played.

Sealed Rule Cards

Back of the Rule Cards

The collection contains a total of 12 different special rule cards, each modeled after a character in the Black and White video games. The rule cards operate in manner similar to the old Vanguard rules of Magic the Gathering, offering stat bonuses and other special benefits to players. Some rule cards have effects that feel like they belong in Magic's Unhinged expansion, forcing you to strike poses or do other silly actions before completing your turn.

The Rule Cards
Where will you be when Diarrhea strikes?

Reddit user u/riChestMat posted translations for all 12 rule cards on Reddit, which are reproduced below:

edit: the article has been updated to include the most recent translations of the rule cards, which can be seen at

  1. Iris: Choose 1 Pokémon from your prize cards to be your active Pokémon. This is the only Pokémon you can use, but if it defeats your opponent’s Pokémon you win the match.
  2. Elesa: Your Pokémon do +20 damage (before calculating weakness & resistance)
  3. Marlon: Your Pokemon have HP+30
  4. Cheren: All your cards (prize cards, deck and hand) are placed face up.
  5. Bianca: Once during your turn, after you flip any coins for an attack, you may ignore all effects of those coin flips and begin flipping those coins again.
  6. Roxie: On your turn you may play 1 extra energy card from your hand. This must be attached to a different Pokémon (both energy cards cannot be played to the same Pokémon).
  7. Burgh: Your active Pokémon recovers HP+20 during your turn.
  8. Alder: If you laugh during your turn then your Pokémon cannot commence its attack. You may laugh once the attack has started.
  9. Drayden: You can play Stage 1 and 2 Pokémon to the bench or battlefield without needing to evolve from an earlier stage.
  10. Brycen: During your opponent’s turn you have to do the pose pictured on the rule card (standing on one foot with one knee raised, the arm on the same side bent and the other arm extended). No penalty for failing to hold the pose is specified.
  11. Skyla: You draw 1 extra card from your deck on your first turn.
  12. Clay: You have just 10 seconds to complete your turn. Your opponent performs the countdown.

Additional pictures of the collection are below.

The Box
Back cover

Inside the box and underneath the cards

Timmy demonstrates the dance of his people
Non-Card Contents

Audino Coin

Playmat - note the spot for the rule cards next to the Battlefield spot.
How to play insert

Special Rule Q&A

Rule book and Counters

Back of Counters

The energy cards are not separately pictured as they all follow the pattern noted for the Darkness energy above. Overall, Everyone's Exciting Battle is an interesting product that puts a unique twist on TCG game play for players, while simultaneously providing 55 unique Japanese exclusive cards for collectors to track down. The collection's original MSRP was 3,500 yen, and you can still find boxes selling for approximately $30 USD today. 

Thanks for reading and as always, let me know if you have any comments, questions or suggested revisions. 


  1. I recently discovered this awesome place, and it's wonderful to be able to know more about the TCG. Keep on with the good work, hope more people come to see what you do. Congratulations!

  2. Do you remember where you bought this?
